Easy Habits to Help Save for Your First Home

At Mortgage Now Inc. we are always ready to answer any questions you may have about buying your first home in Saskatoon and the area. But for some people, saving to buy their first home may seem daunting and they don’t quite know where to start. Here are some great money-saving tips to get you started:

  1. Set a long-term goal: “I want to buy a home by the age of 30” or “I want to buy a home within five years of graduation from college”.

  2. Determine how much you can afford: Be realistic about where you want to live and what type of home you will likely be able to afford. Consulting a financial advisor or mortgage professional early on will put you on the right path to fulfilling your goal.

  3. Create a budget: Keep track of all the money that comes in and all the money that goes out. Balancing expenses against income will help you determine what, if any, adjustments you need to make to your spending habits in order to build savings.

  4. Pay yourself first: Open a separate savings account and deposit a set amount of money every month through an automatic withdrawal from your paycheque or another bank account.

  5. Live on cash: Every payday gives you an allowance in cash to get you through to the next payday. If you don’t have cash handy you might think twice before buying something you don’t really need.

  6. Build your savings account: Live off your day-to-day earnings and make the most of every unexpected inflow of cash. If you work overtime or receive a bonus, put that money right into your savings account.

  7. Party at home: Going out for dinner, clubbing, or a movie can really add up to your monthly expenses and kill your budget. Host movie nights or potluck dinners at home and see your savings grow.

  8. Earn extra income: Sell unused items online through sites such as eBay, Craigslist, or Kijiji; take on a second job; work part-time and summers if you’re a student.

  9. Open an RRSP account early on: The Federal government’s Home Buyer’s Plan allows you to withdraw up to $20,000 from a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) for a down payment on a first home. Consult with a financial advisor or mortgage professional to grow your investments wisely.

  10. Do your homework: Before making any big investment or purchase, do some research. Avoid spending on impulse or emotion. If it sounds too good to be true, chances are it is.

Happy Saving!

unINK Creative

We believe in people, their potential, and growing together. 

We are a marketing & creative agency who help individuals and organizations to strategize, develop, build, execute, analyze and adjust marketing strategies for the digital world. unINK is based in Saskatchewan, Canada. 


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